The SOLEX AO Frequency Scanner is a hand-held, noninvasive, bioresonance device that scans and evaluates the entire body’s natural magnetic field frequencies to detect abnormalities in cells, tissues, organs, and even skeletal functions. Disturbances in these frequencies is often a key indicator of distress and/or disease. When abnormalities are discovered, the Scanner resets the body’s natural frequencies to promote optimal health and help prevent disease from manifesting.
It is especially important to remember that scanning is using frequencies and NOT chemistry or electricity. This makes it perfectly safe to use with pacemakers, transplants, children and or pregnancy. The results from a scan equate to a frequency reading or exposure to frequencies, not a diagnosis of event.
The goal of the scanner is to identify frequencies that have begun to vibrate incorrectly. Once identified, the scanner then optimizes those frequencies by bringing them back to their known correct frequencies. This process is referred to as "optimization".
Everything gives off its own frequency, whether healthy or unhealthy, or even missing. When scanning a missing limb or organ; the scan results will reveal how the body is handling or dealing with that missing limb or organ.
We currently have the following options available:
1. INNER-VOICE - (Intuitive Electronic Voice Analyzer)
Analyzes an individual's voice to isolate specific imbalances or disruptions in the voice tone, pitch and pattern. The Inner-Voice scan takes the physical and the emotional and joins them together into harmony by balancing out the incorrect or unhealthy frequencies with the correct frequencies.
The Inner-Voice scan will collect 4 tones from a 10 second exposure to an individual’s voice.
> 1-3 are the top “overcompensated for” emotions.
> 4 is the most suppressed and believed to be the most important to pay attention to.
Stated plainly, The INNER-VOICE SCAN diminishes frequencies that are in excess and supplements frequencies that we lack. INNER-Voice helps harmonize our everyday life by improving: Concentration, Creativity, Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence, Stress Management and Interpersonal Relationships.
2. QUICK SCAN – Gives recommendations for what Chromatherapy we need to start our day with as well as the top four recommended supplements needed for the day based on your unique scan
(Similar to different levels of blood testing):
Scans can be run on all of the following:
Allergen Sensitivities, Amino Acids, Bacterial Diseases, Basic Physical, Blood Lipids and Blood Lip and Apolipo Proteins, Blood Abnormalities, Body Reproductive System, Bone and Muscle Condition, Bone Growth Index, Bone Mineral Density/Disease, Brain Nerve, Cardiovascular/Cerebrovascular, CBC Report, Chinese Meridians Standard, Chinese Meridians Extraordinary, Chakras, Collagen Index, Digestive Enzymes, Endocrine Glands, Eye Health, Fatty Acids/Omega 3, Fatty Acids/Omega 6, Fatty Acids, Fungus/Mold, Gastrointestinal Function, Genetics, Hormones – Moods/Sex/Stress/Sleep, Human Toxins, Immune System, Inflammation/Oxidation, Kidney Function, Liver & Gall Bladder Function, Lung Function, Microminerals, Microminerals, Minerals/Heavy Metals, Molds, Pancreas – Beta Cell, Pancreas Glycemic Control, Parasites, Skin Index, Thyroid Function, Viruses, Vitamins/Coenzymes.
(encompassing the organs of the body):
Scans can be run on all of the following:
All Arteries of the body, Body Parts (Ears, Eyes, all of the muscles of the body), All Connective Tissues of the body, Organs (Heart, Lungs, Adrenals, Base Ganglia, Organs in the Neck, Brain Sagittal, Cerebral Cortex Functional, Meninges, Digestion, Blood Cells, Human Cell, Kidneys, Liver, Reproductive, Pancreas, Rectum, Skin, Small Intestine, Rectum and Large Intestine, Teeth, Thyroid, Urinary), All of the Nerves of the body, Skeleton – all the bones of the body, All the Veins of the body.
The numbers seen on the comprehensive scan results range from 1 through 9.
When you see:
> 1-3 this represents sluggish or areas not functioning well with 1 being the worst.
> 7-9 represents stressed or areas being over worked with 9 being the worst.
> 4-6 represents an optimum position to be in with 5 being balanced.
Don't delay your scan! Most clients express they feel better immediately after a scan.
* Before beginning a Whole Body Wellness journey with one of our Wellness Practitioners, they will STRONGLY encourage the full series of scans*
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